We had a very sweet week in first grade. All of our centers and activities were gingerbread man themed.
Here’s a little {sneak} peek at some of the fun things we did . . .
We practiced creating and solving addition math problems using gingerbread man cards. We even had peppermint candy counters to help us solve the problems using a double ten frame.
We listened to The Gingerbread Boy by Paul Galdone at the listening center.
We reviewed contractions that end with ‘s by matching two contraction gingerbread cards.
We sorted gingerbread nouns by person, place and thing and then put them in ABC Order.
We sorted gingerbread rhyming word cards and then used the words to write super sentences.
We put candy words in ABC Order and drew pictures to illustrate each word.
We decorated a gingerbread house on the mini laptops and played games.
This week we also read several versions of the gingerbread man. A few of our favorites were . . .
We compared two versions of the popular folktale. After listening to both stories we worked with a partner to record how the stories were alike and different. Then we made our own gingerbread boy and girl art project.
We also got to write our own version of the gingerbread man story by picking characters to finish each sentence and drawing a picture to illustrate our work.
Finally this morning we got the chance to make our very own sweet treat at snack time. Each one of us got a ball of gingerbread dough and rolled it out to make a gingerbread boy or girl. It was a little tricky for some of us but they all turned out so cute.
We finished off our sweet week by sequencing some pictures from the “original” story and writing about the gingerbread man’s adventure. Everyone worked so hard on their project. We brainstormed a list of words on the board that might be in our story and then everyone got to work. We all tried really hard to write in our neatest handwriting and remember to use capital letters and punctuation marks in every sentence that we wrote. We also tried to use details in our writing.
As you can see it really has been a very sweet {and busy} week in first grade!!!
I love these activities! Do you have any of these activities posted on TpT or somewhere!?
Frolicking Through First