Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas is Coming

It’s been a rough week for several of us in first grade, including me.  We’ve got the yucky stomach flu going around in our classroom and school so we haven’t had everyone here at the same time all week.  My camera and I both stayed home on Monday and Tuesday so I tried to make up for being gone  by taking lots and lots of pictures the remainder of the week.  Here’s a peek at all of the Christmas themed centers and activities we did this week . . .

We listened to the story I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell at the listening center and sequenced pictures from the story by coloring them and cutting them out and gluing them to piece of construction paper in the order the old lady swallowed them in the story.DSCN3246

We sorted short a and long a pictures on these cute candy cane cards and sound spelled them.

{sorry, no pictures at this center}

We sorted and graphed colorful candy canes and then used our graph to write and solve colorful addition math facts.DSCN3242

We unscrambled Christmas themed sentences.  Then we wrote them using correct capitalization and punctuation . . . and of course our neatest handwriting.  We also drew a picture to illustrate each sentence.DSCN3244DSCN3248

  We used a hundred’s board to fill in the missing numbers on the candy cane cards.  We had to be able to count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and even backwards.  This center was a little tricky for a few of us!!!DSCN3243

We sorted and solved addition math problems and matched them with the correct answer.  Then we recorded all of the math problems on a record sheet.

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We also practiced our sight words during center time this week by playing a game called Roll, Say, Keep.  We rolled a dice and drew a card from the correct numbered space on the playing board.  If we could say the word and use it in a sentence we got to keep the word.DSCN3230

During our thematic time this week we read a Christmas story called How Santa Lost His Job by Stephen Krensky .  It’s about an elf named Muckle who designs a new machine called “The Deliverator” that he claims can deliver presents faster than Santa.  The elves and Muckle decide to do tests to see who is the fastest, the “Deliverator” or Santa. There were three tests; the first test was who could get dressed the fastest. The second test was who could mach the most children to a toy in an hour. The final test was who can put the presents under the tree the fastest.   As you can imagine the “Deliverator” won all three contests but when Christmas Eve rolled around and a few problems with the weather arose the elves quickly discovered that Santa is the only one who can deliver toys to the boys and girls.

To go along with the story we made a cute elf art project to hang in the hallway.DSCN3232DSCN3233

      We also worked on a {sweet} hidden picture grid art project.DSCN3241 DSCN3234 DSCN3235DSCN3240   DSCN3236DSCN3239DSCN3237

   Up next . . . Reindeer Day!!!


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