Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Writing a Complete Sentence {part 1 – nouns}

During the past 9 weeks I have been working very hard to create and redesign curriculum that effectively teaches students how to write a complete sentence as part of the requirements in one of my master’s  courses.  I began the process by identifying  the five parts needed to make a complete sentence.imageToday we focused our attention  on nouns.  We learned that a noun, or naming word as we sometimes call it in 1st grade,  refers to a person, place or thing.  With the help of this new poster hanging in our room hopefully we won’t forget what a noun is anytime soon.noun poster

We began by making three large lists on the board of examples for each type of noun.  Then students got to draw and write two examples for each type of noun in their book.


Next students sorted pictures of nouns into the categories {people, places, things}.DSCN3102DSCN3100DSCN3103

Finally students did a Cloze Activity.  They had to read several  decodable sentences and fill in the blanks with a noun to correctly complete each sentence.  Then they illustrated their pictures.DSCN3105DSCN3104

1 comment:

  1. I love your sheets. Do you sell them at TPT? I tried your link on the left side, but it doesn't take me directly to your shop.
