Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Word Building

Earlier this week we got out our new sets of letter tiles and rainbow alphabet mats and practiced ordering the letters of the alphabet.  Then we built some short a and short i words.  Everyone is doing such a great job applying our phonics strategies to sound out words!!! 

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  1. Dear Grade 1
    I think your rainbow letter mats are a great idea and I can see lots of great words being made.
    I think I might have to try and make some mats like that for the children in B4, so that they can practice their word building and spelling.

    We are going on holiday for two weeks until October 11 so we will look at your blog again next term.

    from Mrs McKenzie and B4

  2. Do you have a copy of the ABC mats you could send for use in my class? They are such a great idea for creating words and practicing ABC order too!
