Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Short a {cats}

We have been learning about the sound short a makes.  Last week we practiced building short a words during guided reading and we also brought home books each night to share with our families that were full of short a words.DSCN2062DSCN2134DSCN2135DSCN2136Today we cut out pictures that made the short a sound, glued them on the back of a cat art project and sound spelled all of them. DSCN2137DSCN2138We also made another  unique cat art project before lunch.  Some of us modeled them after our own pet cats.DSCN2140  DSCN2144DSCN2143DSCN2142











Then we read Have You Seen My Cat? by Eric Carle.  In the story a little boy loses his cat and he is very worried.  He asks several people the same question, “Have you seen my cat?”.  Trying to be helpful they each direct him to a cat, but it is not his cat.  We discussed ways he could have described his cat so that he might have found it easier.  Then we wrote descriptive sentences about our own cat art projects.  We worked hard to begin each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a period.DSCN2145They are hanging in the hallway for everyone to read when they come to conferences Wednesday and Thursday.DSCN2146

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