Friday, February 20, 2009

President's Day

This week we have been learning all about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We have also read stories and discussed what made these men good presidents. I thought you might enjoy reading about who everyone in our class thought would make a good president.

Sidnee thinks Lily would make a good president because she makes the right decisions.

Carter thinks Mason would make a good president because he is nice and he is a good boy.

Matthew thinks Brock would make a good president because he is very responsible and cool.

Alaina thinks her dad would make a good president because he is not bossy and mean.

Cody thinks Matthew would make a good president because he is so nice.

Londen thinks her dad would make a good president because he is great, he cares about people and he helps people when they are sick.

Angela thinks that her pastor at church would make a good president because he is a very nice person and he is responsible.

Mia thinks Brock would make a good president because he would make good choices.

Carl thinks Mrs. Bumgardner would make a good presdient because she makes good decisions and she can teach people.

Courtney thinks Angela would make a good presdient because she is very nice to people and she is very loving to people.

Colby thinks Brock would make a good president because he has a good attitude.

Myah thinks her brother would make a good president because he is nice and he always does all of his chores.

Lexi thinks her uncle Greg would make a good president because he is nice and he works hard.

Emma thinks Alysa would make a good president because she helps other people with their work.

Alysa thinks Mrs. Bumgardner would make a good president because she is a very nice teacher so she would probably be a nice president. She is brave.

Preven thinks his mom would make a good president because she is really nice and she is grateful.

Mason thinks Lily would make a good president because she is fun and she is a good girl.

Lily thinks her dad would make a good president because he is nice and he is kind to everybody.

Eden thinks Sidnee would make a good president because she is smart.

Jaden thinks his dad would make a good president because he is strong and tough.

Brock thinks Matthew would make a good president because he is exciting to be around.

Dylan thinks Cody would make a good president because he is very nice to everyone.

Alexander thinks his mom would make a good president because she is the smart and she takes care of everyone.

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