Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gumball Math

On Monday we will begin Gumball Math. This is a series of timed math tests. The kids will be given 3 minutes to complete 50 basic math problems. They will need to correctly answer all 50 problems in the given time to move on to the next test. Each time they pass a test they will earn a gumball to glue to their gumball machine and a real one to eat. We will take the Gumball Math tests on Monday, Wednesday & Friday of each week.

Test #1 & #2 Addition to 5

Test #3 & #4 Subtraction from 5

Test #5 & #6 Addition to 10

Test #7 & #8 Subtraction from 10

Test #9 Addition to 18

Test #10 Subtraction from 18

I would suggest that everyone pick up a pack of addition and subtraction flashcards at the store to practice with at home. It's very important your child learn these basic math facts and not have to rely on using their fingers or a number line to solve them.

I also added a link to website on the right hand side of the screen under the Parent Links where you can create math worksheets and print them. This website allows you to choose the number of math problems you want on a page as well as the numbers that you want to appear in the math problems. This is just one more way you can help your child practice at home!!!

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