Friday, October 9, 2009

Fire Safety Week

This week was National Fire Prevention Week so we have been busy learning all about fire safety.  We have read lots of books that taught us many important fire safety rules.  One of our favorites was called Stop,Drop & Roll by Margery Cuyler.   We also talked about what to do if our clothing caught on fire and the importance of having an escape plan and a family meeting place in case there really was a fire at our house.

To wrap up our week some very funny fireman came to our school on Friday to put on a special program about fire safety.         CIMG1170 CIMG1173 CIMG1174 

A few of the students from our class even got to go up on stage and help out.  Here’s Raulie being sung to sleep so he could help demonstrate what to do if he woke up in the middle of the night and smelled smoke or heard the fire detector in his house going off.                          CIMG1178

He practiced crawling to the door and feeling it to see if it was hot.  Then he went to the window and opened it and safely crawled out.CIMG1179

Sydney got to demonstrate how to Stop, Drop and Roll if her clothing caught on fire.CIMG1186

We even got to watch a real firefighter put on his gear.CIMG1190

Thanks Sedgwick County Fire Department for making fire safety so much fun.CIMG1193

We also stayed busy at centers this week too!!  We worked on ordering numbers from 0-50, writing and solving addition math problems, unscrambling fire safety sentences, sorting words by endings (-at, –ap, –an), stamping pictures and writing the missing beginning, middle and ending sounds, putting sets of words in ABC order, listening to a story about fireman and reviewing our short vowel sounds on the mini laptops.

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