Saturday, January 15, 2011

Marvelous Mitten Activities

On Thursday afternoon we read The Mitten by Jan Brett.  It is a famous Ukrainian folktale.  In the story a little boy named  Nicki loses one of the white mittens his Baba {grandma} knitted for him while he is playing in the snow.  Several woodland creatures come along and take refuge from the cold in the mitten.  Just when all of the animals are fit snuggly into the mitten a little field mouse comes along and his whiskers tickle the bears nose.  This causes the bear to sneeze and the animals and the mitten go flying.

DSCN3699After we read the story we colored and cut out all of the woodland animals that were in the book and used them to act out the story.  We weren’t sure all of the animals would fit in our mittens.DSCN3701DSCN3700DSCN3703 DSCN3706DSCN3707DSCN3705We also read several other versions of The Mitten and used a Venn Diagram to record how the stories were the same and how they were different.                      DSCN3721DSCN3723

On Friday we read The Hat which was also written by Jan Brett.  In this story a hedgehog finds a wool sock and when he sticks his head in to investigate what it is it gets stuck to his prickles.  All of the other farm animals think he looks silly, but they want to be warm too, so they go and steal other items of clothing off the clothesline to make themselves a hat.  Finally with a little help Hedgie gets the sock off his head and discovers that animals DO NOT wear hats.DSCN3720After we listened to the story we worked together as a class to recall which events happened in  The Hat, The Mitten, or in both stories.DSCN3724Then we practiced writing complete sentences to answer some questions about the setting, characters and events from the story The Hat.









All of our centers were mitten themed this weeks, too!!!

We created real and nonsense words by rolling the vowel dice and filling in the vowel we rolled on the mitten word card.DSCN3708DSCN3718









We sorted and graphed colorful mitten and then used our graph to solve mitten addition problems.DSCN3666 DSCN3647

We put winter words in ABC order.  Then we wrote them in a book and had to use them in a sentence.DSCN3716DSCN3645DSCN3658

We unscrambled winter sentences and wrote them using correct capitalization and punctuation.  Then we drew pictures to illustrate our sentences.DSCN3659

We played Mitten Math BINGO by rolling the 10-sided dice to create and solve addition problems.  Then we got to mark the answer on our Mitten BINGO card.DSCN3663DSCN3673

We listened to The Twelve Days of Winter at the listening center and did an igloo math worksheet.


We also practiced ordering sets of numbers {1-100} printed on mittens.   DSCN3712DSCN3655   

One of our desk work jobs was this hidden grid art project.



  As you can see we stayed very busy this week. Even though we weren’t able to fit all of our Mitten themed activities in we still had a marvelous week in 1st grade.

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