Thursday, December 16, 2010


Yesterday everyone showed up all decked out in green to celebrate GRINCH Day. 

We began by reading the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss.DSCN3336 As we were reading we stopped to brainstorm a list of words together on the board to describe the Grinch at the beginning of the story.   DSCN3339

Then we brainstormed another list of words to describe the Grinch at the end of the story.DSCN3340

We did a little creative writing project to go with the book.  Each student had to complete the following prompt and illustrate their writing.  Then we divided up into small groups to share our writing.

Mr. Grinch please don’t steal my __________ because ___________.

Everyone got to make their own Grinch mask . . .

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and torn paper Grinch art project. {I love how different and cute they all turned out!}DSCN3348DSCN3347

  They also got to have their picture taken with The Grinch {thanks to Miss Keckler}.DSCN3331DSCN3311DSCN3312DSCN3313DSCN3314DSCN3315DSCN3316DSCN3317DSCN3318DSCN3319DSCN3320DSCN3321DSCN3323DSCN3324DSCN3325DSCN3322DSCN3326DSCN3327DSCN3328DSCN3329DSCN3330

We ended the day by watching the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas cartoon from 1966. We also got a bag of {magic} Grinch Dust to take home and spread in the yard on Christmas Eve to warn the Grinch we have Christmas cheer this year!!!

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Happy GRINCH Day from Mrs. Bumgardner & Miss Keckler DSCN3332

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get the Grinch masks? They are so cute!

