Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dental Health Month

Since February is Dental Health month we spent lots of time this week learning about our teeth and ways to keep them healthy.  We read lots of  books that taught us about the three kinds of teeth we have and what they do {incisors, canines & molars}, how many teeth we have as a child and as an adult, how to properly brush our teeth and gums, how many times a year we should go to the dentist and what kinds of food are best for our teeth.100_3421CIMG0036CIMG0040CIMG0037CIMG0038

We also worked on sequencing this week.  We cut out 4 pictures of a little girl brushing her teeth and we put them in the correct order.  Then we wrote about how to properly brush your teeth.  We all worked hard to use capital letters and punctuation marks correctly.  Many of us also remember to use first, next, then and last at the beginning of each sentence.CIMG0038 CIMG0033 CIMG0035 CIMG0036 CIMG0037

At centers we marked a number on our 100’s board and then used the skills we have been learning in math to figure out what number is 10 more, 10 less, 1 more and 1 less.CIMG0031

At the listening center we listened to a funny story about a moose who has a loose tooth.  All the animals try to help him pull out his tooth, and when an elephant accidentally swallows the tooth, Moose devises a wacky plan for the tooth fairy!100_1247

Then we answered some questions about the story.100_1248

We matched sets of toothy contractions.100_1245

We played some games about identifying coins and their values on the laptops.100_1250

We had a vowel race to fill in the missing vowels in some of the important dental vocabulary words that we learned about this week.100_1252

We used the 100’s chart again at another center to fill in the missing numbers.100_1253

We sorted teeth that had describing, naming and action words.100_1255

We covered a toothbrush/toothpaste picture with pattern blocks and graphed the blocks we used.100_1257 

We also practiced putting dental words in ABC order and unscrambled sentences that had facts about our teeth but somehow I didn’t get any pictures of those.

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