Today we celebrated the 100th day of school. We’ve been counting up to this day all year and we were all excited when it finally arrived!!!
All day we worked hard on activities that centered around the number 100. Our day was cut a little short because of library this morning but we still managed to get a lot done. We began by reading the story The Wolf’s Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza. In this story a wolf tries to fatten up a chicken for his stew by feeding him 100 scrumptious snacks each day. While we were enjoying our 100th day snack mix we colored a worksheet with 100 shapes on it and then counted how many of each shape there was. We made sure that our numbers equaled 100 when we added them together.
We also read The 100th Day and made a book of our own about the number 100. We wrote sentences about 100 things we thought we could lift, 100 things we would like to eat, 100 things we would not like to eat, what we would do with $100, what we wished we could have 100 of and what we would never want to have 100 of. The kids really had fun finishing these writing prompts!!!
After lunch we got to color numbers on a 100’s chart to find a hidden picture.
And we got to flip a coin 100 times and record if we got heads or tails. Then we color coded each turn and recorded how many heads and tails we got all together. Then we learned how to use the calculator to add our numbers together to make sure they equaled 100. We also got to do the same thing with a dice.
After recess we read one last book called I’ll Teach My Dog 100 Words and then we began working on our own book filled with 100 words that we can read and sound spell. We didn’t quite have enough time to finish it up so we will continue working on it tomorrow and bring it home later this week.
Loved readingg this thanks