Friday, October 2, 2009

Octo”bear” Day

This week we celebrated the arrival of October with lots of fun teddy bear themed activities.  At centers we worked hard on putting words in ABC order, counting sets of base ten blocks with groups of 10’s and 1’s, creating colorful bear patterns (AB, ABC, ABB, AAB), sorting short a, i & o words and sound spelling them and of course using our new mini laptops to play games that review many of the skills we have been working on this quarter in math and reading.

On Friday we wrapped up the week by bringing our favorite stuffed animal teddy bear to school for Octo”bear” day.  We began the day by using teddy bear counters to find all of the combinations of 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.CIMG1086

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Then we ready the story A Pocket For Corduroy by Don Freeman and sequenced the events from the story in a book.  After brainstorming a list of words we might use to retell the story we wrote a sentence to go with each picture.  We are working hard to remember to begin each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a punctuation mark.  When we finished we got to make our own Corduroy art project that we hung on the bulletin board by the library to display this month.CIMG1092 CIMG1090 CIMG1091

After lunch we used a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast our bear with a friends bear.  Then we wrote sentences about how our bears were alike and different.CIMG1096 CIMG1093 CIMG1095

We ended the day by writing a story about our teddy bear.  CIMG1100 CIMG1102  Here are some pictures of us with our fuzzy friends.

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