This week at our apple themed centers we are working on the following skills:
Matching pairs of rhyming words and recording them on our paper in our neatest handwriting.
Rolling dice to create and solve apple seed addition problems.
Ordering sets of colored apples by numbers from least to greatest.
Creating patterns using red, yellow & green apples.
Sorting apples by color and graphing them. Then using our graph to determine which color we had the most of and which color we had the least of.
Unscrambling sentences using our sight words and writing them using our neatest handwriting. We are just beginning to work on beginning each sentence with a capital letter and ending it with a punctuation mark.
Listening to a story about Johnny Appleseed and sequencing events from the story.
We have also been playing games on our new mini laptops. They are just the right size for our little hands.
Chandler's favorite center is computer's.