Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter Centers

What an exciting and tiring day. Coming back after a big break is always a little hard on everyone. The kids were all excited to see their friends this morning and share all about their Christmas break but by this afternoon I could tell everyone was about ready for a nap. I'm sure nobody will have any trouble falling aspleep tonight!

Today we began our winter theme. During the week we will be reading a few of my favorite Jan Brett stories: The Hat & The Mitten, learning about how animals survive during the winter and then on Friday we will be writing about our very own snowy adventure.
Here's a little peek at what we will be doing this week at centers . . .

We are matching sets of tens and ones.

We are reading books at guided reading with lots of digraphs in them (ch, sh, wh, th, tch).

We are rolling dice to make addition and subtraction problems. And then, covering our answers on a bingo board with marshmallows.

We are ordering numbers from least to greatest (0-75).

We are unscrammbling sentences about winter and writing them in our neatest handwriting using capital letters and correct punctuation marks.

We are listening to I Know A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow at the listening center and sequencing the events in the story.

And of course, playing some super fun educational games on the computer.

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